Friday, December 3, 2010

How to Handle Dogs

Friday, December 3, 2010



I wonder if you ever experience been chased by dogs while you jogged in your neighborhood? I have plenty of such experience. So how do we deal with them when we are being chased by dogs. Let's examine the options.

Answer : #1. We run like hell.
Possibility :But that won't help because the dogs are better runner than us.

Answer : #2. We take a stick the next time we go jogging. We use it against the the dog when it get near to us.

Possibility :Again it won't help because provoking the dog will only make things worst.

Answer : #3. We ignore the dog completely
Possibility : Well this is taking chances. Dogs are animal and they are not educated. They may bite us. And if they do, they don't go to jail. Why take the chance.

I would rather do these 2 things:-

A. I inform the dog owner to chain-up the dog. Or keep it within their fence. Do not let their dogs stray and harm us.

B. Or find another area to jog where there isn't such crazy dogs.

Do you know the same method can be used in our life when dealing with friends. Last month I've written afew articles about dealing with friends. They are,

As I have mentioned before, human being are born with wholesome and unwholesome thoughts. The unwholesome thoughts are greed, hatred and illusion. And when these 3 evil roots are not tamed, people can be irresponsible. And they irritate us because they gets in our way.

Due to their greed, hatred and illusion they can easily harm us. They can be irritating like the dog that bark and chase us while we jog. And to make matter worst, some people think they have the rights to punish us.

So the way to go about dealing with such unreasonable people is to bring up the matter to the upper authority. I'm sure there are laws in the country that could curb wrong doings. Unlike the dogs, people do go to jail for wrong doings.

I hope this article has provided you with another skillful means to deal with unreasonable people

May you be well and happy

3rd Dec 2010


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